
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Validate your site!

As a web-developer, I've recently adopted the habit of making sure that the websites I'm working on adheres to web standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

So why adhere to web-standards? I mean I can create websites that don't adhere to web-standards, and still it will run (at least on the World Wide Web browsers, it will).

However, websites that comply to web-standards comes with substantial advantages. For one, I'm starting to discover that standards-compliant websites I create for my clients tend to have better structure. This allows the websites to run on special browsers for disabled persons.

This will come in handy in the event my client decides to transact business with the US Government. One of the mandates set by Section 508 by the US Legislation is that the website of any company doing business with any US Government agency must be accessible by the disabled.

One practice I have adopted lately is incorporating the validation links on the websites I create. The links checks if the website completely adheres to web-standards by cross-referencing it on the W3C validation sites and can be added via the tags below:
  • <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10"alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" height="31" width="88" border="0" /></a>
  • <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer"> <img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss" alt="Valid CSS!" /> </a>
Some of the recent websites I created with validation links are as follows:
In my next blog entries, I will post learning resources that will help you develop websites that are web-standards compliant.


My other blog-site

Life would be too boring if one were to live it too seriously. I suppose the same thing applies to blogging- that is, blogging would be too boring if all bloggers were to post only serious matters.

To break out of the monotony of life's seriousness, I decided to come up with a funny blog. I've invented a company named Scamway, who's business is to, well, scam people. Its more of a spoof of how people get duped. Scamway also has a mascot named Scammie the Monkey. The link is at http://scamway.frontpeers.com/.

The purpose of the Scamway blog is not to make fun of people getting scammed, but rather come up with inane situations where folks get scammed.

At the end, I can only hope that visitors can find some amusement in the Scamway blog, and perhaps even laugh at some of the post.


4D SQL v.11 Seminar

Last March 12, I attended the launching of 4D SQL v11. I consider myself a long-time developer of 4D, having used extensively it for the last 15 years. I am presently using 4D v6 and 4D v2004 for a couple of clients. But unfortunately I have never tried out the last release, 4D SQL v.11.

The launching was a good opportunity for me to see what 4D SQL v.11 was all about. The product presentation of 4D did not disappoint me at all. On the contrary, I got impressed how 4D had migrated its product to the enterpise level, while retaining the interface of a desktop development application.

The launching was more than just a showcase of the power of 4D. I got to meet the new generation of 4D developers, and was impressed by their skill-level in the product.

If I were to compare myself when I was starting out in 4D to the new upstart developers, I would say that the new generation have more in-depth knowledge and understanding of the product.

More information about 4D can be found on the website, http://4d.com/.
